Children's Bedroom Interior Design Tips for a Dreamy Space
Time to read 3 min
Time to read 3 min
The children's bedroom is the one space in your house where you don’t have to worry about trends and longevity when designing a space. Kids grow up so quickly that it’s best to think short term when decorating. The perfect room for a two-year-old will be vastly different to an eight-year-old’s play space. So lean in to the fun and try these tips and tricks for decorating your child’s bedroom.
Let’s start at the very beginning. When you’re beginning to design your kid’s bedroom, the best starting place is simple: asking them! Does your kid have a long-time favourite colour? What about an animal? It’s best not to start off with a TV character, as children’s interests can change quite quickly in this area. This means maybe avoid doing a Paw Patrol mural on the wall – unless you really love repainting murals every other year. But character bedding and knickknacks can be fun!
It’s always a good idea to stick to neutral and pastel tones. Children love bright colours, but a bedroom should be peaceful – it’s hard enough to get kids to sleep as it is. It also means your kids are less likely to get bored of whichever bright colour was their favourite at the time you pained their room. Plus, pastel yellows, greens and beiges are all gender neutral colours that can mix well with lots of different designs.
Of course, there’s no guarantee your kids will want something gender neutral – until I was four, my room was pastel yellow with a pastel diamond boarder, but I begged my mum to allow me to have a pink bedroom. So keep in mind your kid’s preferences. It might be easiest to go with a soft, warm white on the walls, and just switch out the curtains and carpets as your children age and their tastes change.
Black and white is really great for young kids. As Developmental Psychologist Dr. Dana Erhard-Weiss puts it, bold black-and-white images stimulate the development of the optic nerves and encourage young babies’ cognitive development without over-stimulating them.
An easy way to jazz up any room is to add a fun wallpaper, and your kids’ bedroom is no exception. You could just add the wallpaper to one wall to create a quick and easy mural. With tons of options for kids of all ages, a patterned wallpaper will add dimension to the room with very little effort. For younger kids, maybe choose a less distracting wallpaper. Or, if this all still seems like too much work, try creating a fun chalk wall for your kids by painting one wall with black chalk paint. Then they can draw on it with chalks to their hearts content!
Storage in a kid’s room is very important, and you’ll need more than one kind. Accessible storage that the children can use themselves is a great way to start teaching them how to tidy up after themselves. To this end, think baskets, cute toy boxes, and kid-friendly bookcases. For their clothes, bedding, and anything else they won’t need to access themselves, try a chest of drawers. All in all, mix and match smaller accessories too like boxes, bins and baskets with storage furniture, like drawers and wardrobes. You could even use bookcases to display their toys, for quick and easy decoration and storage.
Lighting is key to a kid’s room. You will need an overhead lamp, and at least one bedside table or nightlight. For older kids, a lamp at a desk will make them feel very grown up.
The best themes for a kid's bedroom will come down to what they like and their hobbies, favourite colours, films and TV shows. Good themes to start with are nautical, forests and jungles, space, magic, rainbow, castles, and dinosaurs. Instantly elevate a space or magic themed room by adding glow in the dark stars to the ceiling. Cute shaped cushions are also a good way of adding to both the theme and comfort level of a space.
Make a castle or princess theme better by adding a canopy to the bed. Basically just a mosquito net with aspirations, the canopy instantly elevates a bed from drab to dreamy. You could even buy a normal mosquito net and then add extras, like lace or dye, to make it all the fancier. They’re also good over a beanbag in the corner of a room to make a chill hang out space for older kids. And an amazing addition to a forest or jungle room would be this gorgeous bed canopy from Moozle, perfect for play.